The Ethical Council for Premium rate services (ERB) has been tasked with developing and maintaining ethical rules for the content of information provided on premium rate services and their marketing. As of January 1st, this task is included in the mission of Telekområdgivarna. Industry actors have committed, in the standard contracts applicable on the market, to comply with the ethical rules as well as with the parts of the premium rate services area regulated by the Code of Conduct (CoC) jointly developed by telecom operators, industry organization MORGAN, WyWallet and ERB.
Premium rate services refer to services accessed with the prefixes 0900, 0939, 0944, and 099, as well as mobile premium rate services that use the card number series 72xxx and 71xxx.
Calls and SMS to various directory assistance services provided on the number series 118 are not covered by the current definition of premium rate services. The directory assistance companies have also not committed to following the ethical rules in any agreements. Therefore, we do not have the ability to assist you in contacting the relevant company or companies
The Swedish Consumer Agency is the authority responsible for monitoring compliance with consumer protection laws such as the Marketing Act, the Price Information Act, and others. The agency does not normally handle individual cases, but exceptions can be made through the possibility of legal representation. Complaints to the agency may result in supervisory action being taken.
For advice on individual cases, you can contact Hallå Konsument. Many municipalities also offer consumer guidance where you, as a consumer, can get advice and support on various issues.
The question has arisen as to whether directory assistance services that provide information other than just telephone numbers should be considered as premium rate services. The Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS), which manages the Swedish numbering plan, issued three injunctions on this issue in April 2014.
Since the end of September 2014, it has been possible to block a telephone number from calling 118 numbers.