Rules for customer service

I have tried to call a company on the number listed on my operator's invoice, but I am unable to reach the company. What should I do?

In the ethical rules, there is a whole chapter that prescribes that all service providers must have customer service:

  • The service provider shall provide customer service for all services. The customer service shall be available on weekdays, excluding holidays, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. The customer service shall have a telephone number and shall be accessible from both landline and mobile phones. Personnel at the customer service shall be proficient in Swedish in speech and writing. When the customer service is closed, information about opening hours shall be provided in Swedish on an answering machine. No additional fee beyond the operator's regular call rate may be charged for calls to the service provider's customer service.
  • The service provider's customer service number must be included on the invoice from the telecommunications operator. The telephone numbers listed under "Provided Services" on the invoice go to the customer service and must not cost more than a regular phone call. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid to call the number listed on the invoice; on the contrary, it can be a good way to find out what services have been charged.

If you have tried to contact a company several times without success, you can file a complaint with us. We can then try to help you contact the company and we will also review whether the company's customer service meets the requirements in the rules.